途上国の住まいの良いとこ悪いとこ。 新しいルワンダのおうちで生活を始めて3週間目。 セキュリティ、学校と職場との位置関係、お庭の広さ、ライフラインの状況、家具付きかどうか。などの問題から総合的に優先順位を考えて40軒近く見た結果、結局職員が以前住んでおられた家に決めた。
日本に比べて広いことが一番大きく改善するポイント。家自体は必要最小限の広さがあれば良かったのだけれど、公園で遊べる環境がなく自宅の庭が子どもが安全に走り回れる場所になるため、 そしてそこは2-8歳の(男子の)幼児期にとっても、私の精神衛生上も大切な部分なので重要視。
だけれど、その反面停電が起こったりそれに伴い水を動かすポンプが使えなくなるため水も出なくなったりという不便が起こること。 家を建てる材質が低いことから劣化のスピードが早く、あちこちの修理が頻繁に起こること。その修理が直ぐには対処してもらえないこと。 立て付けが悪いため、雨季に雨漏りがあったり虫が入りやすいこと。 マラリアの危険があるため、蚊帳を吊って寝ること。ダニ・ノミ・その他害虫駆除が必要なこと。
それから、防犯の為ゲートにセキュリティが必要なこと。 また、その広さ故に乾いた砂っぽい埃を掃除しなければならない手間や庭の手入れをしなければならないことも増えるということ。 など、日本の生活とは大きく環境が変わる。
例えば、きちんと対価を払えば日本に居ても広い家に住めるし同じ場所だけでなく何ヵ所か公園や児童館があったりいくらでもエンターテイメント施設を選べたり、 学校の選択肢や習い事の選択肢が比べ物にならないほど幅がある。
でも異文化体験のなかで得られる価値観があったり、毎日同じ庭でも虫を捕まえたり鳥や植物を観察したり、遊びを作り出したり。 言語の習得や多国籍人との関係を学ぶ場があったり。代わりに日本の生活では得られない経験が引き換えに待っている。それを実にするかどうかは自分次第だけれど。

Merits and demerits of life in the developing country. We've been in the new home for three weeks now. We decided this house after seeing almost 40 houses, thinking about the security, location, distance from both the school and the office, lifeline, the yard, and furnished or unfurnished. Based on secure independent life makes us to be free to work. It's a large house different from Japan. I placed emphasis on the large yard, because there are not so many places for boys aged from 2 to 8 (for us) to play around. That point is important for physical development of boys and also for my mental health. Then, it looks that there's a lot of land in Africa but not in kigali Rwanda. Most of houses are on the slope of hillside. It means there are not so many flat yards though luckily ours is flat enough to kick the ball. On the other hand, there's inconvenience like black out and it also makes the water tunk stop to pomp up. Because of the poor quality of construction materials, there would be so much repairs. Besides we would have to wate for a long time until it's fixed. The door fitting is bad as sometimes leaks in the rainy season or insects comes in. We need to sleep under the mosquito net to prevent from malaria and kill germs like mites and fleas. There's a necessity to have a security guard at the entrance gate. Of course, there's a space which also has to be cleaned. We also sometimes need someone to take care of the garden. There are some points which are totally different from the life in Japan like above. I cant compare which is better. Instead of having all manor of options, we can experient unlimited different things from Japan like intercultural communication. Kids can enjoy with insects, birds greens and flowers even in the same garden every day. They create new things in playing. There're opportunities to have relationship with multicultural people and language. Those are much valuable experiences that we can't get in Japan. It depends on how we cope with though...