

 ドライバーにバッテリーケーブルを借りに走ってもらい、 その間に一緒に居たお友達が乗せてくれて私が次男を幼稚園に迎えに。
 20分後くらいに同じ場所を通ったら、ちょうどラウンドアバウトに衝突した車をトーイングして走り出したところで。 電話中の私を乗せて私の友達は思わず追い掛けていました。
 ガソリンスタンドに入るやいなや車を停めて交渉。30分後に拾いに行けると言うので更に追跡。 その間にも夫は事務所を通してトーイングを頼んでくれていて。そちらの方が安いし持っていく工場から来てくれるのでそちらに任せて、結局私は帰宅する事に。

The day before yesterday, I had an appointment and parked the car at the car parking of the restaurant. My car didn't turn on the engine. So, I sent my driver to find a cable to conect batteries while I went to pick Kaoru up at his kindergarten, then after that conected. As it worked I let my driver to take my car to the galage. I went to the another galage for taking back that conection cable with my friend who was helping. On the way to the galage, we saw one car thrust into the middle of the round about. Then my friend was trying to send us to my home. But I've got a call from my driver telling the car stuck on the very busy road. After 20minutes when we passed the same road again, that car on the tow truck has just started to move in front of us. My friend just started to track it. As soon as the truck stopped we also stopped and asked if they are available after that car. Negotiation went well, we keeping on tracking. On the other hand, my husband was also trying to find the tow truck on the phone, and tow truck from the galage was cheaper than mine. I released the tow truck in front of us and just went home. I've just done nothing but only having being in the car and talking on the phone, though I was tired. Because nothing has forwarded, we were tired, I really agreed with what my husband said. Also what tracking can worked is because this is Africa.

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