アフリカでは、発熱するとまずマラリアチェックをしないといけないこと。 これが、子どもたちにとっては熱を出した時の最難関x災難感😭 そして、母は倒れていられない。。。
ネガティブ(陰性)に安心したものの月曜日になっても熱は下がらず一時40℃越え。ぐったりして咳も酷くなるので眠った間に持参していた吸入器で一番重い時の対処。目が覚めるごとに糖分・塩分・水分を摂らせて脱水症状を回避。 解熱剤で体力温存。
クリニックで血中酸素濃度とサーチュレーションチェック。 抗生物質を飲むと熱も下がり、落ち着いた頃に長男が発熱。
次の日、日本人の方に紹介してもらった信頼できるクリニックに。タクシーに来てもらい、次男を夫のオフィスで面倒をみてもらうために降ろし、発熱した長男をクリニックに。とりあえずマラリアチェックはネガティブ。 解熱剤で同じく機嫌の良いうちに食べさせると長男はやはり体力があるのかすぐに元気に。
疲れが出てきたのか、看病に明け暮れた一週間。この週末は引っ越しの予定だったのが契約が終わらず延びていたのが結果的に良かった! 今週は全員回復しますように。
K had a fever since last week, we went to the clinic several times. On Sunday evening, he's got a high fever and while we took him to the clinic for checking up malaria, Japanese neighbor took care for T even dinner. On Monday, the temperature was over 40,0 degree . As he woke up, I let him take some drink with sugar and salt to avoid lacking of water. Used untipyretic for him keeping energy. The next morning the doctor checked his oxygen of the blood and surtulation. After antipyretic medicine worked, next was T s tern. He could not have enough sleep at night. I left K at my husband s office then took T to the clinic to check up malaria. It was negative again. As he was tough and had appetite, got well soon. Both my husband and me are also not feeling perfect, but a lot of vitamin would help us! Moving on to the new house was postponed next week because of delaying the contact, though it was just ok for us! We'll get well soon this week hopefully!