Yuko,私の後ろを歩いていた(Yちゃん)、もしこのようなペースで行くのであれば、我々はゴリラに会えないかもしれない。君たちはレジデンスだから安いかもしれないし、キガリに住んでいるならば戻ってこられる。が、旅行で来ている彼らは、 相当なお金を掛けてゴリラトレッキングに来ているのだ。もっと必死で登らなければいけない。
分かってるよ。。。Kari, ふざけてなんかいません。本気でしんどいの!私たちだって十分大金払ってるよ!無駄になんかしたいわけないじゃん!頑張って頑張ってるけど、身体が~。。。
もし必要ならポーターを雇うこともできる。200ドル払えば担架つきポーターを雇い君を運ぶこともできる。真剣に考えてくれ。 「あーショック。担架で運ばれて登山なんて、笑いものだ。悔しい。悔しすぎる。」 「車生活とは言え、一応の体育会出身が、恥ずかし過ぎる。。。(´;ω;`)もともと体力に自信がある方では無いが、こんなに自分の体力が弱っていたのか。。。」
ガンを持って先導してくれたレンジャーには、死んでたね。こっから、Enjoy!と背中を押され。 よし!いざゴリラに会える~!と、カメラを抱えてKariに着いて行くも、更に登る。お~い!まだ!?
一歩進んだ右1メートル先にでっかいゴリラ!! え!え!え!こんなに近くに居ていいの~~~~!?どうしよ、めっちゃカッコいい!近すぎる!
写真を撮ろうと構えると、Kariが、「焦るな焦るな、まだまだゆっくりできるから」と肩を叩く。 もう、感動で涙が。まさに、陣痛を乗り越えて赤子に会ったかのような感動が込みあげる(:_;) それまでの苦しみが一瞬にして吹き飛び、興奮でまた息が上がる(笑)

《The latter half》
Finally one of my dreams has come true!
At the entrance of the forest, we were already nausy by the rough road, walking from the parking.
Already I have got out of breathget (lol) Please! Please, Mr Gorilla, come on. Come to meet me soon! I was hoping. Around at the poin of passing only 15-20 munites, my breath was maximam.
Kari gave me the first warning. "Both Yuko, if you keep this pace, you may not see gorillas.You can come back because you are residential, but what about tourists coming from other countries here? They are spending so much money! You have to be serious."
I know Kari, we are serious for sure, however my body does not listen....(lol) We also paid a lot of money, neither we are not goona waste our money.
We went up high with high speed. And 15 more minutes later, my heart was beating too much was almost hyperpnea. Kari gave me the second warning. Yuko,
"Yuko, you can hire a strecher to carry you to gorillas, costs 200 USD though. I am serious." "Oh my God. No way of beeing cariied by the strecher! I would be a laughing stock! Such a shame... I've been using a car without walking so much, but still shocking to know my phsycal strength was so low."
After warned twice still I was following with desperation even though being carries my feet in the mud. For a while we were walking gentle hill removing leaves and branches away in front of the face.
Moreover we moved up high altitude. Finally I was told to hire the porter called Claud, he carried my bag and I was pulled by him. Every time I became not to be able to breath, apologizing to other buddies and taking water, taking off my jacket, or putting a cap, and eating some energy. I was asking myself, why I am chalenging such a suffering occation like the days of students when I was training for winning? Believing one each step make me foward and take me to the goal.
Please, please please Mr. Gorilla come in front of me! I have to meet you! I cannot go back without seeing you!!!!! My face was lack of blood, my feet didn't lift anymore and feeling pain on my face and hands because of sharp leaves.
My face was full of dust, my nose was running by alergic to leaves. It was almost disheartning, but stepped forward with a porter. I was thinking another Y is so tough in terms of both physically and mentally. This experience made me realize her different point from before.
Walking after two hours, even Sam let us stop for adding some sugar. At that time hands of us were shaking because lacking of sugar. Sam gave us some fruit from hotel, and Pole gave us some biscuits as well. I was narrowly saving my life(lol), but still have'nt felt headache or nausy. Bono gave me small tablets with lemon flavour as we step forward.
Finally after walking for almost 2 and a half hours, we were told that gorillas are there so we only take camera and phones from here!
At that point, we noticed that other buddies are getting used to hike on the mountain regurarly. That's way they had proper equipments like a water bag which she can drink and walk at the same time, or waterproof pants which she can wear even on the way to hike. Oh my goodness why did we join to that kind of professional group!! You well done!!
"Yuko, you well done! Owing to you guys, we could take a break before we neede! Good job!!" "I should have known you guys were such a professional!, come on!!"
The lenger who were leading us with a real gun said, "You were dead!!""Enjoy the meeting!" We went up and up. Not yet!?
After the final steap hill, Sam looked me back with his big eyes opened. Then I followed, "Oh no!!!!!! This is tooooooo close!" "Cooooooool!!!!!!!" "This is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I was shooting my camera. Kari told me "you don't have to hurry. take time!" I was so moved that I was crying as overcoming like a labor pains.
There were chief gorilla, young boys, baby gorillas age of 3 and 1 and mother gorilla. We all human beings were in the circle of 3 or 4 meters. So impressive that I could see gorillas with such a short distance from me. It was like as if I were one of the family member of gorillas.
When the gorilla was passing by human beings, lenger made sound nhh nnnn means that we are not your enemy.
Baby gorillas came to me so closely and even mother who was brest feeding was not afraid of us at all. Mother gorilla was gazing me for a while as if she was confirming what this creature is.
I wrote this diary still having so much excitment. This was one of my best experiences in my whole life.
On the way home we were chatting all the way about trecking and gorillas, remembering many points we struggled in the forest. We found those tablets we were chouing on the way to hike were "sugarless" (lol) (- -; (^^v
The restaurant we wanted to try in Musanze was closed, so we went back. Stopped by Nirangarama again and bought brochets and potatos for the late lunch. This was one of the funniest but impressive trip with so much fun. I really thank Y for giving me this opportunity and thank for having this respectable friend!