
  登場するのは、NPOルワンダの教育を考える会の永遠瑠マリールイズさん、トラウマを負った人たちを支援する活動をされている竹内緑さん、平和な世界を目指して活動される照子さんです。 自分ができることを模索することを辞めなかったから今があるのだと思います。ありがとう、みなさん。

Meeting at NPO Think about Education in Rwanda on 18th Sep. (Long record)
2017年9月18日(月)@NPOルワンダの教育を考える会 現地事務所での会議(長文)
 「わ、わかりました。。。」ややふら付きながらも整腸剤を飲み、ホッカイロを貼り、レッグウォーマーを履いてセーターを着ながら出て行った。 約4時間に亘り話をした。

 「これらの体験を語れるようになったとき、自分の身代わりに目の前で死んでいった全くの他人の為に何かをする責任がある。」 と二人は話されます。

 ルワンダの生活や普段感じることについて投稿してきましたが、虐殺やルワンダの負の歴史について触れることは今までできませんでした。 知識も自信も何も無いと思っていたから。

Finally this day has come. We were planning to meet alltogether with Ms.Marie Louise, Izuba Teruko Saito and Midori Takeuchi since last year. However God decided to do it at this time.
In this morning I started to feel stomackache even I rarely feel it in daily life after my African life has started in 2008. Then I called Midori to tell her that I am not comming, and I called Ms. Louise to tell her the same story. However she told me to come. NPO "Think about Education in Rwanda" has just moved last Friday and this was the first meeting at the new office. and she says, "We have toilet inside of the office now, and if you feel sick we also have a matress for you to rest." "Oh, ok then,,, let me come." I took some medicine, put Hokkairo (the magic stuff) to heat on my back, wore leg warmer and had sweater.
Almost for four hours we continue talking and listening. Midori started to talk about her activity as she take few examples from beneficiaries to share what is going on in the area where she is supporting. As this is the first time for Ms. Louise to share these stories, she was so impressed how Midori is facing tough works in Rwanda and also she mentioned about traumas and unhealed experiences that Rwandan people phisically and mentally having. If those traumas cannot be taken good care it can be worse and worse over ages.
After introducing about what Midori is doing here in Rwanda, the topic shifted to how and when she came to Rwanda. So, now Midori is the important person who is living in Rwanda and knows the time of genocide. Her historical story of course reminds Ms. Louise what happened to her and her family. Exchanging Midori's story and Louise's story matches exact time and place. Those two women were sharing unforgettable story in front of me and Terukosan. We were all in tears.
Although I've been spending time with Ms. Marie Louise, I never had chance to sit as the audience of her speech in Japan even in Rwanda, because to talk about the genocide is not our daily life. In some certain ocasion or mourning period it can happen.
In these days we are likely to focus much about this country as developing side and is true. That is also important aspect I agree. Though we still never be able to forget about people who are still fighting with their own experiences to be healed. This may make people in the world think image of Africa or Rwanda dark and hopeless. I believe we urge to have hope because we wanna get peaceful better world. We cannot ignore there are a lot to do for reaching hope.
Through the experiences of Midori and Louise and from their life, we can understand how far and how many years must be taken to heal them. They were both saying "Even for me, it took so many years to be able to talk or express my experience to the third person without tears." Then both of them shared processes to receive unforgettable experiences to themselves. "After becoming to tell this story to others, I have responsibility to do for other people who died instead of my life." This word shows me sometimes how my life is too small and seems there's nothing that I can do. Always I feel my weakness between what I am feeling here and what I can do for that as a third person.
Since I started to post anything about Rwanda, I could not chose this kind of topic, because I didn't have enough knowledge, courage and enough proud to tell. I was thinking I need my time to study deeply, meet many people, and get information for breaking down. Well, I realized waiting until when? Waiting until my proud has been filled to share, it never comes. What I can do is to share my experiences and what I've heard and saw in the daily life. Life goes on, and now I have this opportunity to share these people. My task is here to share ,still part of though, content of this meeting. That's all what I can do now. If you need further information, please contact me.

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