

 頭で物を運ぶアフリカ人。小さかろうが大きかろうが長かろうが短かろうが、とにかく頭に乗せて歩く人々。 これは、恐らく体幹がしっかりしていないと出来ないのだと思う。
 皆揃って姿勢が良く、頭には荷物、背中には赤子をおぶった姿は日常茶飯事。 この前、私もトライしてみたけど到底出来そうにない。

 African people carry stuffs on their head. It doesn't matter how it's big or small and how it's long or short. Anyway they are walking just putting things on their head. I think this is because their body trunk is firm. Most of them have a good posture. The lady who has her stuffs on the head and has the baby on her back is not rare. I also tried once before, but I could not make it at all.

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